Childminder paperwork package

Get ahead!
& Be Amazing
- ​Childcare Kingdom can help you revolutionise your business
We can help you run your business smoothly, with ease and super efficiently.
We can save you hours and hours of time.
We can help you ensure all your paperwork is completed during your working day.

lets get you started
As an ex-childminder, I have used my knowledge to create to perfect tools for you.
I have designed four books that work in unison, to cover every piece of childminding paperwork.
I update the books regularly to keep up with current legislation so you don't have to.
All you need to do is follow the guidance and fill in the blank spaces.
- The childminder diary will help you keep track of everything you need to record daily, and by filling in the blanks daily your tax return will be complete and ready to submit at the end of each year.
- The record keeping book will ensure you record everything else you'll ever need to show Ofsted.
- The age-appropriate learning journal book that your parents and mindees will love because it's the perfect keepsake for them to keep forever. Which will also help you to tick all the boxes for Ofsted & the statutory framework too!
- Finally, complete the GDPR book to be fully compliant with the ICO.Don't wait, make the change today!
Check out with Amazon for free delivery on book orders over £10
This Diary is specifically designed for Childminders who work with an assistant, it runs in line with the UK tax year and includes:
*Planning for the month with activity ideas and space for individual planning
*Daily diaries where you can record your plans and what you've done
*Daily register for up to 19 children
*Visitors log
*Mileage column and regular trips mileage recording chart
*Daily expense’s column
*Assistant attendance and wage column
*Hours worked
*Meals given, snacks, breakfast, lunch, and teas
*How many qualifying children you’ve had for milk refunds
*Fridge, freezer and food temperature log
*There are also tick boxes to show you've completed a daily risk assessment, had a fire drill, accident or incident and if you've given any medications.
*Space for notes and next steps
*Flat rate rules for childminders to help you with your tax return
*Annual payment sheets for 30 children or families
*Example invoice for parents
*Monthly expenses charts
*Year-end summary
This book has been designed for a childminder working with an assistant, to keep all your paperwork in one place and last one full year in line with the UK tax year to make childminding easier. It includes: Who you need to register with, What you legally need to display, A guide to what statutory guides you should follow and those you should regard, Tips for your personal portfolio, Wishlist, Fees Guide, Daily risk assessment checklist, 12-page annual risk assessments for your setting, car, and outings, 7 main Policies and Procedures with over 50 subheadings, Poisonous plants list, Emergency Contacts page.
All records:
*47 Accident forms
*16 Incident forms
*28 Medication forms with space for 9 entries on each
*16 Existing injuries forms
*6 Safeguarding forms
*2 Allegation form
*4 Exception forms
*4 Independent arrival forms
*28 New child detail forms
*28 Contracts
*28 Permissions forms
Guidance to help you completed your monthly diary which includes:
*Calendar to help you keep track of the spaces you have available
*Reminders and deadlines
*Reflecting on your provision
*Professional development
*Planning ideas
*Fire drill and safety checks (detectors, extinguishers), baby monitors
*First aid box contents check
*Action plan
Learning journal will help you assess each child’s stage of learning in the early years' foundations stage, each child will need a learning journal.
Learning Journal from birth to five years includes:
*Explanation of the early years' foundation stage
*Explanation of the characteristics of effective learning
*Background information about the child
*The Child's individual needs
*Starting points
*Monthly pages from 1 month to 60 months, which include: Individual planning, observations, photos (wallet card size, landscape or portrait), wow moments, next steps, working in partnership with parents and other providers.
*Development matters tracking
*Annual hand print sheets
*Two-year progress check
*Early years foundation stage profile
*Annual parent satisfaction survey
*Child survey
General Data Protection Regulations for Childminders
Setting Information
Guidance Notes: What is ICO?, Registration details, What is GDPR?, Why do we need the new GDPR?, The GDPR principles, What does the new GDPR mean to a childminder.
Guidance to help you complete your data audit, Example Setting Information, Risk assessment, Safety processes, Legal requirements, Data flow, Action plan, Prevention record, Example data protection impact assessment, Example breach register, Breach procedure, Subject access request,
Legal Obligations of the EYFS and the Lawful basis retention periods
Information for Parents
*Data sharing agreement
*Privacy notice
*Retention policy
*Data protection and confidentiality policy
Information for Staff
*Data sharing agreement
*Privacy notice
*Retention policy
GDPR compliance records:
*Data Audit
*Action Plan
*Prevention Record
*Data Protection Impact Assessment
*Breach register
*Subject access request
"I love your books they really help me through my working day! The diary and journals are fab...godsend!
Thank you"-Caroline Evans -Childminder