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Childminder Paperwork

 We can help you become less anxious and stress-free 

so you can enjoy your business!

  • ​Childcare Kingdom can help you revolutionise your business, so you feel in complete control.

  • I can help you run your business smoothly, successfully with ease and super efficiently.

  • I can save you hours of time, so you can concentrate on providing the perfect environment for your little ones.

  • I can help you ensure all your paperwork is completed during your working day, giving you more time to spend with the children you care for and your time back with your family at the weekend.

  • As an ex-childminder, I have used my knowledge to create perfect tools for you to manage your business.

  • Don't take our word for it, read our customer feedback.

Want to know more


  • I have designed four books that work in unison with each other, to cover every piece of childminding paperwork, they are updated regularly to keep up with current legislation and all you need to do is follow the guidelines in the books and fill in the blank spaces.

Don't wait make the change today!

Book One-The childminder diary, this will help you keep track of everything you need to record daily, and by filling in the blanks daily your tax return will be complete and ready to submit at the end of each year.


Book Two-The record-keeping book will ensure you record everything else you'll ever need to show Ofsted.


Book Three-The age-appropriate learning journal book that your parents and minded children will love because it's the perfect keepsake for them to keep forever.  Which will also help you to tick all the boxes for Ofsted & the statutory framework.


Finally, Book Four-The GDPR for childminders lays out everything easy for you to be fully compliant with the ICO.


For more information follow the links

"I just wanted to say your books have changed my life, paperwork no longer gives me that yucky feeling in my tummy, it's all sorted now, I had my inspection and I can honestly say I wasn't the slightest bit worried and was so laid back, let's just say I'm a bit of a fan" - Jacqui Wilcock-Childminder-Co Durham

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